How do scientist help society?
jonathan B
1/30/2012 12:13:43 am

science helps peoplee by experimenting alot of things dat can cause death atc dat didnt knoe . also it helps da world moree .

1/30/2012 11:34:42 pm

science helps ppl how the world use to be and how stuff works nd lots of stuff

1/30/2012 11:35:49 pm

•by solving our problems
•by changing the world

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1/31/2012 12:00:31 am

has resulted in major advances in medicine, which has resulted in increased life expectancy, lower birth mortality rates

1/31/2012 01:06:26 am

i think they help some people because they help em talk out their problems and give em advice

1/31/2012 01:06:53 am

by comming up with new things to hyelp us

1/31/2012 01:12:27 am

they invent stuff that helps the enviorment

1/31/2012 01:16:48 am

it helps society with alot, just because everything in the world is made up of atoms. Which we wouldnt of known that if it wasnt for science.

2/1/2012 12:19:15 am

they no stuff. we do not. and then we learn what they teach us

2/2/2012 04:48:28 am

Scientist helps with different kinds of things that assoiate with life.
Also they help us understand health and chemicals.

2/2/2012 04:49:56 am

it helps society because they do research on different things like things that help cure diseases

2/2/2012 11:46:33 pm

it helps society because they do research on different things like things that help cure diseases

2/3/2012 12:01:25 am

scienctist help the world find knew things that people dont know about

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